The flying monkeys got me...

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Acute Power Loss

The video tells the story. Still not quite sure what happened... Out of frame a bit as I was using the keychain hatcam.


  1. Crashed my E-Razor 450 as well on a power loss as well. Best I can figure the BEC circuit must shut the motor off at a certain point. After repair (I was about 6 feet off the ground when it happened) I began using a timer and limit my flights to 7 minutes on a battery. I have had no more power failures. Will have to experiment to see if I can push a bit longer. Other theories is the ESC heated up since I was hovering with the canopy on. Flew two battery packs this evening just before dark when wind dies a bit. Got it set up right it is smooth as ever. Cool video, gotta get me one of them hat cameras. Bummer on the cubby too.

  2. Thanks, Jim. A couple of people have mentioned the ESC might be the problem. I replaced the stock Dynam ESC with a Hobby wing right after I got the heli, but I may need to buy a Castle ESC for it.

    The video from the keychain can is prety darn good, as is the audio. $15 on eBay. The on/off commands are a bit tricky with the lights telling you what the mode is, but other than that its pretty simple. Can't see what you are aiming out, but it does great when I am just a little further away like I would be at the field.
