Monday, July 9, 2018

Things I learned again today.

That plane you think, "She always starts...", Will be the one that doesn't. I preflighted her at home for her first outing, and everything was fine. I figured this is my best running engine she'll be fine. I'll do the first season start at the field. I drive alllllll the way to the field, set her up, turned on the receiver, everything looks great, flip the ignition switch and the red ON light isn't on. Huh. Check the transmitter switch... Its fine. Flick it a few times... Nada. Check the battery voltage, it's fine. Check the wires, they are fine. I rewire things so the ignition is directly connected to the ignition battery. Ah! She starts right up, and runs great. Have to grab the prop hub at idle to stop the engine . It's either the RCExcel Opto electronic cut out, or the switch. Its likely the switch, not the first one to go bad. I will find out when I get home. Pack everything back up, drive alllllll the way home.

I also learned that just because it's a 500 size canopy that doesn't mean a 5S battery will fit under there... All set to fly the HK 500 Marine Drone, but the battery doesn't fit under the hood.

More to follow.

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