Beautiful weather for today, minimal winds with acceptable gusts, clear skies with thunderstorms moving in during the afternoon, time to go fly! I thought I would document the steps of a good flight day.
First, top off charge the ignition and receiver packs. Charged them the other day.
Pack the car. Only taking the 30cc MXS-R and the 10cc Sukhoi. The Stik's 10cc is on the fritz, and I don't feel like flying a heli today.
Check the winds one last time before committing to the 12 mile drive.
I-93 and whatever road it is that I am on... NH 102.
SNHRCC's Wagner Field is located on the top of a closed landfill that I lovingly call Mt Hudson, so we have to drive through the Hudson Town Dump. Its usually locked, but town workers may be there as the gate is unlocked. Our club gets a key.
The gate to Mt. Hudson, club members only have a key.
Park the car... unload. Must be in the front row!
Set up a plane.
Fuel up and preflight, including warm up.
Check settings, check controls, last engine check.
Taxi out.
Take off!
After a few touch and goes I suddenly had trim issues and brought the Sukhoi in for inspection. Weed stalks stuck in the elevator. The grass weeds grow overnight here, so the grass is low cut, but the weed stalks are too and snag on the controls. Freed up, problem solved.
Taking a short break, cover the canopy. Its 95 degrees and canopies melt in direct sunlight just sitting.
Happy shirtless guy selfie. Mild sunburn, will be a tan by morning. The harness around my neck leaves a nice V shaped tanline...
Break out, set up the 30cc MXS-R.
All set up, ready to go. These bigger planes are so much more fun to fly, so stable and powerful!
So love this 30cc Engine. If I remember correctly its a DLE.
Pee break. 140 degrees inside there, at least...
Water break, sitting under the covered picnic table area at the field.
Like a boss.
Repack the car at the end of flight time, and ready to go home. Spent about 3 hours flying.
Lock the gate on the way out.
Drive back home...
Unload the car and cart everything into the basement workshop.
Clean and inspect, make repairs as necessary. The Sukhoi runs rich so gets a coating of unburnt fuel and oil, the 30cc runs clean. The grass cuttings end up all over the wings and props. Good time to inspect the cote and balsa for dings. Put everything away.
Sit back, have a beer, pet cat.
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