Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nose Job

A blink away from completing the repairs to my Stearman. I set up the mount screws per the instructions (geez, I took no pics...). Using card tabs placed over the mount posts, I note the location of the mount holes and transfer them using a Sharpie to the cowl, then drill the holes in the cowl. Honest though, just like the Eflite instructions. I added a post to the top of the cowl to hold the weight of the lead in the cowl a bit better, though it was doing pretty well before. I have to be careful where the lead goes or the motor or ESC blocks the cowl. There's a lot of weight. I am using the same amount of weight, in fact the same weights, as were in before. I used 60 minute epoxy, let it set overnight and put the cowl on tomorrow. I put some of the weight on the motor block, where a piece was already. That's it, ready to fly Friday.

New post at the top of the firewall.

I also set some, well, a lot, of epoxy in the front of the cowl that is the false motor cylinder set. Its very fragile and this epoxy will strengthen it. The false motor is beautiful, the best one I have seen on a Stearman, but the plastic is extremely fragile. The "wires" on the front snap off if moved at all.

Can't wait to fly!

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