Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ultrastick 10cc Maiden Done!

I got a successful maiden flight of the Ultrastick 10cc #2 in today! She had a lot of tall grass to deal with from the heavy rains. Combined with high temps, she ran all the way down the runway and I had to turn around, run back up, and try again. Put the flaps down to half and she took off. Once she got airborne she shot up. She is as expected tail heavy, and she flew like it. It made approach a bit challenging. Got two flights in for about 25 min total. Didn't want to risk issues with being tail heavy, so called it a day. 

When I got home I went ahead and brought her to CG, but not using the 450 gm lead weight this time. I crammed a lot of small pieces in, and it worked.  As part of my efforts I moved the engine forward, and made a platform for the battery allowing me to move it forward. It fits EXACTLY if not a few atoms high under the wing. Had to use hot glue to secure the battery to save space under the wing. This also required I move the aileron and flap leads back so they didn't come out on top of the battery. Charged the battery and looking to head out again tomorrow. Hoping someone cuts the grass!

Brought the Hacker MX2 out, but she wasn't bound to the iX12 anymore, and it would not bind... So she didn't get to fly. Changed the receiver to an 0range 3Axis stabilizer receiver I had sitting around, and it's all set. Will try again tomorrow. She will need the grass to be shorter, small wheels and really light weight.

Tomorrow we fly!

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