Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Banner Day of Flying!

Its about time. First several flights I fought to get my Mojo back, hands shaking, having trouble breathing, sweating, anxiety pounding my heart with a sledgehammer, freaking out worse when the ground came up and over correcting. PTSD, literally, from having a run of bad luck and unskilled flying these past few weeks. After about the 3rd 15 min flight I was calm and finally feeling like I was ahead of the aircraft most of the time. There was some gusts that made it a bit challenging for the Ultrastick, as she responds to pushes from the winds, but that became predictable and as my thumbs calmed with confidence, I wasn't bothered by them at all. In the calm air, wow, she flew amazing! I found the sweet spots for the Ultrastick for CG, engine, DR/expos, and prop. At first I thought she flies a bit heavy, as she is about 3 lbs over design weight, but realized that was more the wind and realizing I have to flyall of the control surfaces all the time. She needs that rudder and keen attention to elevator and aileron. She likes that 1 lb of lead up front. It made all the difference. I learned too that the Evo sounds better and seems to run smoother without a muffler extension on it, so that's gone now too. 

I got 4 10-15 min flights in with the Ultrastick, became very comfortable with her. Several touch and goes and landing to stop and turn around. Love how she responds to the flaps now that I have the elevator mix dialed in. It was a LOT of fun to fly in the end, and is back to being my go to! She is FAST and snappy. A couple of times a gust lifted the tail from behind killing the engine, but no ill effect, though the prop blades are not tracking perfectly. She developed a nice buzz from something, but couldn't find a source or problem.

The 30cc Breitling went up a couple of times. Gust don't bother it. Also a lot of fun, but my focus was on the Utrastick today.

Called it a day when I started getting those "just one more ski run" doubts.

Evolution 10cc with Master Airscrew 12x6x3.  She idles a bit high, and winds down to stall, as she does here. This is a sign the HI needle is rich, but I can't lean it out further without losing high end RPMs. In flight she doesn't stall out, so it's not an issue. 

Joe Nadeau was there with his Tundra (I think) and his racing drone. It was great having a conversation with him!

Next week I intend to maiden the 20cc Pitts Model 12, and if time permits,  the 10cc Spitfire. Need to overcome some powerplant issues with the Spitty first. 

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