Saturday, September 26, 2020

Ultra Stick 10cc ARF Build Progress


Day 2ish. I started with wanting to clean up the hinge gaps, used some white cote just on the top sides.

Moved to the tail feathers. I probably should have done each side separately, then did the joiner bar, but I put the whole thing together. This made getting the hinges in their slots on the second side a PITA... consequence of my decision. This was the only somewhat frustrating  problem in the build to date and it was user error.

In the end the taile feathers look great!

I did have to cut a small piece off the back of the tail hardpoint to make room for the joiner bar. Int only neded a millimeter or two.

The model has a design that allows  for the tail servos to be tail adjacent and external, or in the bay under the wing. The hard case battery I am usning (bought for the engine test stand, decided not to waste it there) is a big 2S 5200 mAh LiPO. I wanted a bigger combo ignition/reciever pack so the 5200 is perfect, weight wise its not different than two NiMh 2200 mAh 5 cell packs. Well that pack takes up a lot of space,  but there was still room to put the servos in the bay, but there's a lot of weight there and forward. The Ugly Stick needed several ounces of weight aft to trim out. Also, for some reason the wing servos are cut for standard servos I expected for this model, but surprisingly the trays in the bay are cut for mini-servos! I don't recall that in the specs... and I would rather have standard servos on the tail surfaces. So they are going aft. I wonder if the aft trays are standard?

I have a set of plastic gear mini-servos, Tactic TSX-25 mini-servo. Tactics aren't made anymore, don't know why. I have had great luck with these less expensive high quality servos. Anyways, not wanting to cut bigger tray holes and this being the throttle servo, a mini plastic gear servo is fine. The Tactic is a little bigger than thr JR MN-48 I had and was about to use, also a mini and it fit fine in the tray without mod. Minor modification and the Tactic fit.

It was getting late, so I called it a day. Next the tail servos, fuel system and engine, electronics. I bought a single switch, a Turnigy smart electrical switch. Of course 5 days later and it still hasn't shipped. I knew that would be a problem with Hobby King. I am using an remote optical ignition cut out switch I have to control ignition power and the single battery pack. I do have a standard double switch, but its pretty busy and I don't need the Futaba ports, so its not a great tool for this project. The only thing I don't have on hand is the switch and that won't be here for 1-2 wks, do no point in rushing. Lastly, I have a Spektrum AR7010 with a satellite. And of course, The Evolution 10cc.

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