Sunday, August 23, 2020

Thunderstorm on Mt Hudson August 23, 2020

It started out as a beautiful day, no winds but for some brisk occasional gusts. These became more frequent, but the skies were scantily clouded. An hour later that changed rapidly. The storm came from the west, and you could see the first thunderhead forming right overhead. It got dark, then a light rain. I closed up my car, but thought that I could still fly, but by the time I got back to the electric side of our field (the west) I could hear the rain hitting the trees on the west side of the runway and called out to the boys, "HERE IT COMES!". I though maybe just some rain. It rapidly became a storm with wind, hail, thunder and dense hard rain. Being on the downhill side I was soon ankle deep in runoff. A gust shot across the field to the shelter I was under and twisted the Cubby in my hand, cracking the horizontal stabilizer, easily fixed when I got home. Wx radar indicated this wasn't going away for a few hours, so I left, telling the boys what the radar indicated. Slow moving storm. When I left it was still pouring, and at the outer gate to the dump the rain water was over my ankles not 20 min after it started. As I filmed this I was so hoping it wasn't going to turn into a news video of how a bunch of guys got hit by lightning in Hudson!

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