Thursday, June 18, 2020

Repairing the Align Trex 600e FBL

Yesterday I had to made an emergency landing to avoid killing a hawk that was ggressively hunting my Trex 600. I did not land well, flying in fast nose is from my left, and addi g collective to stop the momentum, lifted the nose to stop the forward progression, and the tail blades hit. Shattered the blades and stripped the torque tube power takeoff set.

Delaminted the blades. These damn things are $23 ! Pair!

Teeth stripped off the power takeoff assembly.  Kinda glad they are soft as it prevented worse damage.

New assembly installed. I like torque tubes better than belts.

Tail blades are in the mail! Spun her up on the bench and the power takeoff gear was rubbing the main gear. I used a sharp blade while it was spinning to whittle it down and it clears nicely. Can't wait to get her back in the air.

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