Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Well, that was a waste of time.

It began with having to solve a cat problem... Move one, the other two show up.

First flight with the Twinstar and her new nose gear went fine!

Started the Pulse XT60 RCGF-USA 26cc, and noticed the muffler shaking again, loose. Started to remove the engine to fix it, but without my bench tools it was going to be a painful and long process. Screw it, will fix it at home. Put her back in the car.

Second flight landing and the nose gear did not bend, but broke the forward bulkhead off. I saw this coming.

Quite the angle there.

Keith and Jason were tooling about, walked over before I left to say hi!

Spinner off, prop off, cowl off, engine off. Used J-B Weld as a gasket sealant and as a Locktite, having read it as a fix for this, and having it on hand. Sucker is snug. I also found a couple of lock washers, for whatever difference they make. I also found the throttle control arm nearly off, it's set screw held there by the choke arm! Jeez, this thing is shaking everything off. Standard blue Locktite, tight as I could make it. Engine back on, cowl back on, prop back on, spinner back on. Check pak charge. Ready to try again tomorrow. Really wasted time at the field.

Put the Twinstar aside in the shop, not in the mood for its foolishness. 

Think I need a second plane for tomorrow, since the helis are grounded until Spektrum fixes the software issue with heli DR/Expo. Hmmm... probably the Stik!

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