Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Twinstar Tail and Landing Gear done

Finished the repair on the vertical stabilizer. I installed longitudinal runners along the base. Not as pretty as I would have liked.

Port side. This thing ain't goin' no where.

I had tried out the cool jet front landing gear expecting it to fail, and it did not disappoint. Today I installed the 5/16" wire front landing gear. I drilled out the existing hardpoint, and used the lever from the bigger kit, but the hardware is otherwise the original. I am using an original wheel from the Eflite Alpha 450 Trainer (thing is over a decade old!). Drilled it out, a bit off center, but meh. This baby is rock solid.

Very tall, so maybe now I can keep the props out of the grass. Thin profile, less drag.

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