My DX7S doesn't work perfectly with the Spektrum WS1000 dongle. I had to play around for days with switches as it doesn't see all 7 ch, and they aren't apparently mapped the same. Why RF8 and the dongle don't just recognize the DX7S like a receiver would, I don't know. I get there is some give and take with using one model (ACRO) to control both planks and helis. Some smart programmer should be able to figure that out.
Right now I figure out how to get Flight Modes (2 allowed on the DX7S), and the Hold switch done. I am still not quite sure how. I don't have flaps or gear on planks.
1. Start with the stock simple ACRO model in the Spektrum Tx, in this case the one I use on my sims is my old DX7S.
2. While pressing the ROLLER, turn on the transmitter, taking you to the SYSTEM SETUP and scrol down to SWITCH SELECT. Make it look like this:
F Mode: AUX1
This gave me Flight modes and Hold on helis, did nothing to planks.
3. Go back the the ACRO, change its name if you wish, turn off the TX, then bind it to the Dongle by holding the button on the WS1000 while installing in (Really? It's not easy if your dongle in going in the back of the computer, heck, its not easy no matter how you do it. May take a couple of tries to get the strobing orange light).
4. Turn on RF8 and voila.
I fly the Ultra Stick 30cc around with the flaps down... no way around that I can find. Maybe there is a keyboard setting. I'll get back to you on that. I tried setting different WING TYPE like flaps, flaperons... nada changed it. I tried variations as one is limited to in calibration in RF8, no effect.
You can see the flaps down half way here.
Sometimes the flaps move with the ailerons. I saw it do this when I had WING TYPE set to single aileron and single flap servo, but I changed it back to single aileron, the stock setting, and it's still doing it.
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