Monday, March 30, 2020

Disposing of Lipos

A couple of pointers on how I dispose of batteries, since zinc had several I haven't used in years whose IRs had surpassed the limit of 20 mohms per cell. I first discharge them down to at least storage, 3.8V per cell. I like to save the wire leads as then may come in handy, I also like to safe them from shorting, so I cut them.

Cut each lead ONE AT A TIME or the short will make you piss yourself.  Or so I have been told, I, um, wouldn't know.

Wind electrical tape first around one, then both.

The balance leads carry a charge and will also short if you don't also cut them one at a time. I cut them each slightly longer than the next reducing the chance of a contact short.

I keep them spread put on tape, then fold the tape without bunching them.

Close them all up.

NEVER THROW THEM IN THE TRASH! Compression in the truck can cause an explosion injuring the garbage guys, and can set their truck on fire. Best to take them to Lowes or Home Depot, and drop them in their LIPO  disposal box. If your recycle center takes them, you can take them there, of course.

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