I made the mistake of trying to fly with my glasses instead of my contacts and I made this decision on an overcast and sprinkly day. I don't see as well with my glasses.
Took the freshly rebuilt HK500 FBL up. It went about as good as one might expect. Lost orientation, limited heli skills, yeah, a mess. I dragged the new canopy over for the pic, it having gotten tossed far afield. I know I need more sim time, but I want to get comfortable with flying the actual heli. I was doing fine, 4 min in to a nice basic flight, sometimes having issues getting the tail around. I was outbound, a bit far away, and lost control when I wasn't sure if she had turned nose back in, she drifted and I made things worse. That was the end of that.
I already have most of the rebuild done. I have to order a new belt, it broke in the crash as the tail boom separated. Replaced the main shaft, the feathering shaft is fine. The tail shaft will need replacing. Lost a control rod, replaced it. The canopy took quite a lot of damage, glassed in some repairs.
The tail boom is 461mm long. The tail belt is labled as 400mm. Not sure how that works... We'll see.
I also brought out the MXS-R with its 30cc DLE. Took a bit to start, haven't run it in a while. Took it up and even that big plane was a blur, not enough orientation in this light with my glasses. Landed, called it a day.
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