Saturday, August 24, 2019

New Carb, New Life, and Ignition Noise Ousted!

I have had issues with this RCGF-USA 10cc gas engine for several months after several years of great operation. I figured out there was something wrong with the old carb after a bit of screwing up the motor during a rebuild when I broke the piston ring and did something to the original carb that made it wonky. I replaced the piston ring, and I tried a smaller Walbro carb, I think 7 mm from the original 10mm as people argued the 10mm runs the smaller engine rich. I could not get the 7mm to run well. I bought a new 10mm stock carb from Joe Nelson at RCGF-USA and installed it today, and she ran well with minimal tuning. The high is a bit rich: mildly rough 4 cycling in the mid range and when pulled back from WOT she drops a bit lower in RPM then works her way up, but I tuned it as lean as she would allow and its mostly gone now. Runs great, will fly her in a couple of days.

John Hayes offered that my rogue ailerons at WOT was ignition noise. I pulled the ignition and the casing of the spark cord is frayed. It did not like being crammed into the forward compartment for all these years  Covered the frayed parts with electrical tape and shrink tubing, left the cable outside the compartment and voila, no problem!

7mm on the left, stock 10mm on the right.

I like that I can remove the throttle arm, which was short and a bit different than usual. I replaced it with an aluminum servo arm. This engine has a choke; the 7mm did not and was always a challenge to cold/dry start.

You can see the rubber cover is pulled away from the casing, and the wires of the cable frayed here, and a bit further down rubbed down a bit. I used thick shrink tube for the casing end and electrical tape for the middle fraying. The ignition noise is gone!

You can see I left the spark cable outside the compartment.

Underside view. You can see the choke arm and the throttle arm.

Another view of the choke and throttle.

Runs great, no ignition noise effecting the ailerons!
Can't wait to fly her day after tomorrow!

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