Sunday, August 18, 2019


Long day... I am worn out.

Took the MX-Bach RCGF-USA 30cc, with the correct wings, and the nudgey Stik RCGF-USA 10cc out to the field to get some quality air time.

I expected some engine tuning for the RCGF 10cc, but the receiver seemed to crap out. When I got home it worked fine when I rebound it. In the one engine run up the ailerons went rogue again at WOT. John Hayes suggested it was ignition noise, which makes sense because it only does it at WOT.  Grounded. 

At home I removed the stabilization system from the setup (it's still physically attached to the fuse), but run-ups once I got the receiver rebound showed that the rogue aileron issue is probably ignition related. I just could not get the damn engine to run right. When it would seem to be set, it would stop when pulling suddenly back to idle from WOT or half. I just could not find a sweet spot. Since the ignition wire is leaking signal affecting the receiver, and the engine just won't find its happy place, I am going to try a new ignition. I spent 3 hours in the backyard heat and humidity trying to get this to run. I don't know that it's the smaller carb, but I think I am going back to the original 10mm.

Adding insult to injury. the rudder came loose and then the vertical stab snapped when I turned it over to change the 3-way from a filter with a leaky to air gasket to a solid piece to reduce air leaking into the fuel line, which did decrease air in the line.

Lots of work to do.

This wasn't a crash...  I got the MX-Bach into the air after spending nearly 20 minutes trying to get her to start. Once she started I ran it for a while, then stopped, refueled, and she started up. Took to the skies sweet, well behaved, balanced, lots of power! Flew for about 10 minutes, basic maneuvers for trim and to see how she behaved, trimmed her slightly, wow, flying wonderfully. Threw the sticks around and had great control in aerobatics! Brought her down a bit, and pulled back the throttle, she backed down, idled, then stopped. She was high, and about 50 yds from the end of the runway, no wind. I dropped the nose and she nicely lost altitude, picked up a lot of speed of course, no room really to bleed it off, thought a moment about the flaperons, opted to keep going without. She touched hot and bounced a little, then came down but was doing a really hot speed. Rather than try a sharp turn I let her bleed off speed and she stopped at the edge of the grass. No harm, no crash.

And I could not get her to start again... Is it the carb? She was getting a lot of gas when I was working to start her, and runs well. Is it the ignition? It's brand new... I have no idea, but after a few tries to start it I decided I wasn't going to spend the afternoon at Mt Hudson doing the same thing over and over again with the same results, so defueled and packed her up. 

It was really time to go home. Meanwhile Clarence took his FMS Tundra up several times. I think I am going to start bringing an electric so I have something reliable to fly.

And then this... Despite being careful it snapped off, again, and moments later the wire broke. Poke me in the eye with a fork... This is why they now have solid masts. Guess I am buying another one. At some point I need to buy a new radio. This one is about 6 yrs old. I was hoping to find some kind of mod that was stronger... I may put a bolt through the hinge.

I am wiped out. I am not having fun. I think the idea of bringing a reliable electric plane out every time is something I need to give serious thought.

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