Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sbach Recovery

This has been a lot of busy work... at time frustrating, but all in all, success.

The first big project was getting the frame damage repaired. Very much like setting  bones, and installing support to the weakend areas. The wasn't hard.

The only damage to the cowl was some abrasions to the bottom. Sanded out, painted, done.

The latch work. Took a bit of MacGyvering, but it fit.

The second big project was the landing gear. Replaced the hardpoint and rebuilt the structures in the fuse to which it attaches.

I also had to build a little hard point for the fuel vent.

All done with the undercarriage! Not shown is the tail wheel which came off. Built up the hardpoint and reinstalled. The red streak is still there, just washed out of the pic.

The Evolution two needle barrel carb. I washed out the carb and the cylinder in case any dirt got in. When I started the engine it was way off and wouldn't run steady, no matter what I did to the needles. When the throttle moved it pulsed irregulalry, even when it ran steady, and would not move through the mids well at all. Something was wrong with fuel delivery. I took the carb apart and cleaned it, but there wasn't any dirt. I flushed out the cylinder and checked the spark plug, reset it. Didn't fix the problem. I decided to replace the vaccum line, and reset the needles exactly to factory, and that did it! It stutters just as it reaches WOT as it always has, but it's acceptable.

The latch arm broke off. Just like that. This was a frustrating part, that and dropping the plane on the tail and cracking the end of the rudder, but that's for another day. So I had to literally tear it out... Rebuilt that and replaced it with the second latch (they came in a pair). Finished, and then went to open it and, damn, it snapped too! So I will just use a micro screwdriver to open it to install and remove the wings.

The aluminum nose cone was scratched up. I sanded it and used a "chrome" paint that really was just silver... that was annoying.  Will order a new one.

To do list:
  1. Install the cowl.
  2. Repair the minor damage to the tip of the rudder.
  3. Repair and install the wheel pants.
  4. Snug up the rudder lines.
  5. Work on getting the canopy to sit better. 
  6. Recheck CG
  7. Crash it again.
In other news, the RCGF 30cc engine for the MX-Bach arrived from Joe Nelson at RCGF! That will be the next project.

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