Monday, July 1, 2019

A pattern is emerging...

Is this my new thing? I get to the field and a perfectly good engine won't start. And when I get home I make a couple of random changes, and she starts.

On putting the Sbach wings on I found the extension from the reciever to the left wing servo lead had one pulled wire, and a second pulled when I removed it. Fixed that.  Then tried to start her, nada. I really didn't feel like trying too hard to fix her at the field. Couldn't do much, didn't even have a tool to remove the spark down among the fins.

At home I found a slight pinch in the fuel line from the 3-way to the engine and slung it straight. Found the ignition wire plastic spiral coat melting on the muffler extension, and slung it out of the way.  This choke-less motor needed me to manually choke the air inlet, and she started right up, but would stall at idle. Needed to re-tune her low needle, then reset the idle end point, it just has to be really rich. For giggles I had ordered a Du-Bro 3 blade spinner, and put a 12x8x3 prop on her.

Luke, my son, came out with me and took a pic.

And helped me put her together and apart.

Bad girl...

I had brought the Pulse XT60 having repaired my head-wedge mistake, but the resting winds waxed and waned to 7-8 mph, with 14 mph gusts. I could fly her fine but I wasn't in the mood.

Meh. Two days of work, then it's the 4th, so I won't be able to fly for a few days.

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