Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hangar 9 Pulse XT60

One of my absolutley favorite planes was the Mike McConville designed Eflite Pulse XT25e. Apparently, as I review the few blog entries I had on it, I had at least 4. I flew this plane almost every single time I went out, as a 4S. It was fast, maneuverable, stable and predictable. I managed to destroy 3, the last one destroyed itself, and curiously, from a known flaw in the design that I did not manage to provoke before. The wings folded at the bottom of a moderate loop on like the 3rd time I ever flew it. It was a common problem for this plane, likely the small joiner was not enough to adequately distribute the lift forces and the wing commonlty folded in the middle. Eflite would deny this, but why else can an otherwise exquisite design? I miss this one, a lot. Sadly, the main build blog lost its pics in the Great Google Picture Rapture (I deleted a lot of pictures back when Google limited the storage space, not realizing I was also then removing them from the blog posts). What a shame. Simple build, fun to fly.

It was with excitement that I found a flying club aquaintence selling a Hanger 9 XT60, incluing a brand new RCGF-USA 20cc engine, the servos and IBEC (I am hoping its the Tech Aero Ultra IBEC, which knowing Ken, it is).

This is sweet. She is a larger version, is 20cc gasser powered, which if I converted correctly is a big engine for this (I believe that she is designed for a 0.6 glow, which is about 10cc, so 20cc should give great performance). She has a proper aluminum wing spar, so one hopes her classic Hershey Bar wing won't fold. She is pre-hinged, and Ken has done a lot of the build already (pic below), so I hope to be able to plug a receiver in and fly. She would get by with a 6 channel, since she is designed with two aileons (and I would want to program in flaperons, so each their own channel), one elevator, rudder and throttle. I will also need to pick up a wing bag. I think I won't glue the halves together to make her easier to transport. If all goes as planned I will be picking her up tomorrow! More to follow!

Actual Build Photo

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