It was with excitement that I found a flying club aquaintence selling a Hanger 9 XT60, incluing a brand new RCGF-USA 20cc engine, the servos and IBEC (I am hoping its the Tech Aero Ultra IBEC, which knowing Ken, it is).
This is sweet. She is a larger version, is 20cc gasser powered, which if I converted correctly is a big engine for this (I believe that she is designed for a 0.6 glow, which is about 10cc, so 20cc should give great performance). She has a proper aluminum wing spar, so one hopes her classic Hershey Bar wing won't fold. She is pre-hinged, and Ken has done a lot of the build already (pic below), so I hope to be able to plug a receiver in and fly. She would get by with a 6 channel, since she is designed with two aileons (and I would want to program in flaperons, so each their own channel), one elevator, rudder and throttle. I will also need to pick up a wing bag. I think I won't glue the halves together to make her easier to transport. If all goes as planned I will be picking her up tomorrow! More to follow!
Actual Build Photo
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