Monday, July 30, 2018


As of today I can truly call myself a heli pilot! 

I flew 4 packs on the HK 500 FBL back to back, 20 min of almost uninterrupted flight, cool as a cucumber, all phases of basic flight. She and the BeastX FBL system performed flawlessly! I fly 5S 4500 mAh Turnigy packs. I practiced basic level flight in circuits and figure 8's, flew squares and circles in bothe directions, at low speed and low altitude, nose in and out hover, and landings, including auto rotation.

I love helis because they are unforgiving. The engineering has to be perfect, the programming in the FBL system and the transmitter has to be perfect, and the pilot has to be perfect, or very quick at recognizing trouble and getting out of it.  I decided that after my last flight, my first true and complete success, that I would no longer be afraid of flying my helis. Curiously, thats exactly how it went. I set up, spun up, and flew. I fly far more focused than when flying the planks, and I think thats why I enjoy it more.

There were a few pucker moments, where I lost orientation for a few seconds, where I over corrected a bit. But each time I remained calm and recovered easily, albeit with a moment of sphincter tightening. The flights were otherwise controlled and what I intended. It was fun! I am looking forward to geting my other helis in the air.

Oh... and then there was the A-10.

First she ran across the dirt infield, started to rotate and hit the grass, kneecapping her and tearing off the nose gear. Oh, well, we'll hand launch, which I hate especially on a maiden. It went poorly. I am sure I can fix it. Just need more runway next time.

And the Hacker MX2 flew really well once I got her CG on spot. Flew 3 packs. On the last one she over ran the field into the grass and flipped, breaking her prop. I love the Xoar wood props  but they break if you sneeze on them.

But who cares...


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