Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sukhoi runs well, Stik not so much...

Winds were calm, gusts not so much. Took the 10cc planes out to fly.

The Stik wouldn't be the Stik if it didn't take 10 min to re-tune every time I bring her to the field. But today, she needed retuning not just on arrival, buf after the first couple of flights. I want to fly, not futz with the engine. She ran schizophrenically.  High needle is easy to set, low it a problem. If I get a smooth transition to FOT, she will either idle too fast, or stutter and quit. I tried moving end points, tweaking the low needle... nothing was sweet. This vid is from a relatively stable moment, but she would eventually stall in idle, or be unreliable in rapid movment to FOT. I gave up. I will need to take the engine apart and clean it, start over, clean if not replace the plug. I think she runs rich, and I cant fix that.

The Sukhoi's RCGF 10cc ran fine. I flew her with the 13x6 two blade and she was anemic. It was gusty, but still... really had to fight for control at times in the crosswind  she just didnt seem to have the needed thrust. The Stik, when her engine ran well, with her 13x8x3 did fine in the wind, buffeted but could fight through. I am going back to the 13x8x3 three blade prop on the Sukhoi.  Called it a day after a couple of hours. Didn't break anything, so a good day.

Chatted briefly with Clarence, a club member who likes to fly his electrics early in the morning, and who keeps the grasss cut. It was getting too windy for him, and he'd been there a while, so he left shortly after I arrived and I was there alone. I like flying alone.

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