Thursday, May 11, 2017

Eflite Cubby Wing Update

I did some more work on the Eflite Cubby wing today. I ordered the Cub Yellow cote from Horizon Hobby through Amazon, and it doesn't come Prime (2 day), but will take about a week. The whole point was to order it from Amazon for the Prime shipping instead of direct form Horizon as I usually do. Meh.

I sanded down the epoxy, and afterwards filled the slight imperfections with Hobby-Lite. Smooth as a baby's bottom. Sweetly straight.

I decided to drill out the old spar. It was about 1.5 cm on each side. This is the wing side.

This is the center piece side.

Melted a hole in my brand new Batman Hoodie with a hot drill bit. Awesome...

The new wing spar. Ridiculously small. Cut it from plywood and sanded to fit.

15 min epoxy, filled the slots where the spar goes and the joining sides. 
Came together nicely.

Nice and straight!

The plastic connectors that were originally on the damaged right wing snapped in the crash. I moved the remaining ones around so that there are 4 of the original white ones on both wing strut ends, and used control arm snap links from my HDX 500 heli repair kit to replace the damaged ones where the struts attache to the fuse. Perfect.

Waiting for the cote to come in, which will let the epoxy set well. Once the cote is in, install the wing and back to flying condition!

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