Saturday, May 13, 2017

AWESOME day! First flight at Misfits

Headed out to Misfits in Auburn for my first day flying there. Made my way over from Bedford, GPS said 20 min, and that was about right. Off-roaded the last mile over sandy dirt and the bottom of my low slung car slammed into some ginormous rocks, threatening to gouge the oil pan. The field was worth it. I met several guys from the club, including David (the Pres), Doug, Lenny, Rich, and a couple of others. I was welcomed, more warmly than at any other club since MRCC! This is going to be a fun club.

The field is nice and wide open. You have to stay clear of the scale runway, but there is plenty of room all around. The Geotex is getting old, and they plan to roller it soon, which will make a huge difference. Its still great to fly off of but its wrinkly.

I brought out the Alpha 450, always the first plane at a new field, and she flew fine for 3 batteries, but then I grounded the prop in a cross wind save, and that peeled off the outer 1 cm. That was done. I flew the Stik a couple of times. When I put the wing on I noticed that the cote was torn on the end of the right wing, but a piece of duct tape solved that for the day. I later also grounded the prop, snapping that puppy clean off. And that was the end of that. The plane has no other issues, and it gave me the opportunity to put a 3-blade on her again! The winds were light and variable, until I flew the Cornell, and then the crosswind picked up. She still flew fine, though she got carried away a couple of times. Glad the stabilization system is onboard! She came home unscathed.

I watched the boys fly, especially enjoying watching Doug "maiden" his rebuilt Hanger 9 Sopwith with a 4-stroke Saito, I think 140. I had this same plane, built electric, until it bought the big one.

Some of David's motley crew.

David and Doug, with David's Quad. David is a pretty darn good pilot, handling the planks, the tiny drone and a 450 heli in 3D.

Das Stik with duct tape.

Das stik with the broken prop and dirt all up in her dress.

Doug with his Sopwith. Some quite puckering moments figuring her out, but this one is a winner.

I stopped for lunch at Goldenrod on the way home. Ordered a cheeseburger and large fries, ended up with large onion rings. Barely made a dent in it. All good, but I prefer the fries.

I went home, and changed the prop on the Stik to the Master Airscrew 3-blade, with a white 3-blade spinner. While she recharged her packs, I finished up the Cubby as the Cub Yellow Cote came in today. 

This morning I had epoxied the motor box back together. It had come off clean, so this was easy.

Coted the wing, installed the struts and put everyone where they are supposed to be.

The leading edge looks as good as new!

Meanwhile, the Stik charging the packs.

I just wanted to fly. I figured the kids would be off Joppa Hill fields after 3 pm, and I was right. I hate the grass here, so clumpy, its very hard on landing gear, but this plane is especially rugged, and the 3-blade is a half inch smaller all around, so ground clearance is better. I pulled in as the last coaches were leaving. Setup and spent a bit more than an hour flying 2-1/2 tanks! It was wonderful! She flew perfectly. I did take the weights off the tail. The CG requires the weights, but she flew tail heavy, so I took them off and she flew much better.

All this flying made me a goofy happy! I have to work a lot this week, so I won't get to fly again until next weekend. I think it will be time to fly the Waco!

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