Monday, July 2, 2012


The stock canopy for the HK500 is coke bottle plastic, so I set it aside and took out a cracked 500 size canopy that had come with my HDX when I bought it used a couple of years ago to use instead. I epoxied, Bondo'd and sanded it down, then using rattle cans painted it with primer then the below paintjob. I hadn't panned on this as I was going to paint it all green, but then I saw how the overspray looked on the cheeks of the canopy and decided to go with it. The paint of the yellow canopy of the HDX was also cracking along stress lines, so I sanded it down, epoxied a few weak points, then did the same thing. They came out pretty nice! I coated them with clear lacquer. Sweet!
I like using the foam heli landing pads to keep the tail rotor out of the dirt and grass. I had several and have given them all away. So I am painting up one for myself. I will stake it down, but I have never had one flip up. They take a lot of masking and time but are pretty easy! Yeah, this one is pretty busy... got a little carried away... Primer white, gloss yellow and Magnum black marker on floor foam pad, about 2' x 2'. Duct tape underneath holding the edge foam down. Took about 3 hours counting letting the paint dry: Masked the white, sprayed it, dried, masked the yellow, sprayed it, dried, then marked out the black edges for contrast and to cover overruns. Bad overruns cleaned up carelfully with acetone, minor ones left.

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