Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Punched in the nose...

It was avoidable, but being a beginner I didn't react appropriately... The Stearman had one of my older batteries in it, a 3S 3000, and we'd been hauling butt for about 4 minutes. I had power, but it wasn't hot at full throttle anymore. I flew over low, started to pull up, and she started to stall about 30-40 feet up. She tipped hard and I pulled her out, she got to about 10 feet up and stalled again. I should have pushed the nose over while I had some power, but I don't know where my head was and she stalled from 10 feet, landing right on her nose in the tall weeds... Crunched the crunched cowl, punched in the firewall and fractured the battery box, cracked a couple wing tabs and cracked the dowel I was using as a wing spar. I'm already nearly done with the repairs.


Taco'd the pack. Good riddance. I think this is the same one that put her in the tree the other day...

Wanted simple, strong, with good airflow. Made two bars with popsicle sticks, supported behind with a larger piece of hardwood that is sandwiched between this bar and another popsicle stick behind. The H shape grips the sides of the battery box. CA'd in place, coated with epoxy.

That's a firewall and battery box! I think if she gets punched in the nose again, the motor will give before this motor mount! My plan is to stop dropping her on her nose. She will get the new fresh cowl and a new prop (the crashed one was chipped but not broken). Pics tomorrow when she is flight ready. 

I had planned on spending this time starting the Sopwith build, but wanted to knock this project out and get everyone back up to flying speed. 


  1. So, at what point is this Stearman more yours than original? :)

  2. Yeah, my old foamie is mostly glue, so its a gluey and not a foamie :-) So far the Stearman has been mostly nose jobs!
