Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Shenanigans

A busy, Sunday, and like many these past weeks, today was a wild and crazy ride at BMF. I started my day flying video recon looking for my lost Eflite Stearman (more on that in my next post dedicated to the topic), flying  all over the south woods. Gave me a good reason to fly pack after pack with a keychain video cam on my Alpha Sport 450, which felt kinda neat, and it was some of the best flying I have done! I love that Alpha, I couldn't have flown this mission without her.

The day did not go so well for Ron... His freshly repaired Harrier 3D took off, and immediately it was clear something was wrong. It wallowed, seemed under powered. It stalled, and fell 15 feet to its death...

The crash site is at the northern end of our runway.

Ron checking out the bits and pieces. Like all experienced pilots, he acted like it was just one of those things. Inside he wanted to scream, I am sure. This plane has been jinxed, and it is one of his true loves... Hard place to be.

I flew my MX2 briefly before having to bring her in for an emergency landing when one of her worthless elevator hinges snapped and the elevator began to flutter madly. The hinges are these little tiny plastic things that have no business on an aerobatic plane, now that I look at them. Last night I replaced the one I bumped on the aileron, now I will replace them all using the CA hinge fabric that Ron gave me. Jim also recommended that I strengthen the interface between the foam surfaces and the control horns, and run a CF rod across the elevators under the rudder. I grounded her until I get these things done. Oh, I should mention that its kept its perfect record of bending the gear on EVERY FRICKIN' LANDING!

Steve and his grandson JJ with their planes!

 One of the most fun of which dived when its elevator malfunctioned and slammed hard into the ground. The fuse is amazingly resilient! The wing separated, but the rest of the foam looks pretty good. The motors are toast with broken shafts, but the props survived unscathed, if you can believe that. The battery is puffy, but not taco'd and may fly another day. JJ flew their ultra micro Champ so well we all enjoyed it and sorta wanted to go get one for ourselves! The weather moved in before they could fly the Extra. Maybe next time, JJ!

Jerry and Sandy dropped by! It was great to meet her. She's further proof that we men all marry up! 

I left early having used up all my good luck (see my next post!) and because we were getting sandwiched between two thunderstorms. More flying this week if I can, as I return to work for a 2 week stint!

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