Friday, June 17, 2011

Its an odd numbered day, so Cubby flies!

Okay... I suppose its because its a Friday. Or maybe because its an odd numbered day. It could be because its conspiring to have me fail publicly at the Fly-In tomorrow. Whatever it was, Cubby #2 flew like a dream today! She took off clean, flew some sweet basic aerobatics, and even did two touch and goes without cartwheeling or somersaulting down the runway! Two whole packs! Though she did come up short of the runway when I brought her in after her first pack and misjudged her glide; I had the choice of full throttle (around which she can be squirrely) or just letting her bounce onto the ground. I chose the latter and she came away unscathed 2 feet short of the runway.

Which, by the way, has been lined in paint with help from our friends from the Rec Dept! Check out this still from some video Kenny Chandler and I shot from his Stryker:

Sweet! Looks really good after Greg cut it, and some Rec Dept and MCRCC guys painted the lines early this morning in preparation for our Fly-In tomorrow. Thanks, Guys! Sorta looks like the Space Shuttle could land there!

Kenny and me (I'm chewing on a burger...) checking out the Stryker cam.

Tomorrow is the Fly In! Come on out!

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