Friday, January 21, 2011

Newbie Creed (Posted on Helifreak)

It has occurred to me as I reflect on my whining, the laments of others about our lack of progress, and on comments reminding me that there is a path which I will have to walk within my flying talents, I realise that my agita comes from unrealistic expectations I have for how quickly I should learn to fly.

I am a Heli Newbie. I will fly, build and setup helis well in due time. I have to earn it within my abilites. It will take as much time as it takes. There will be setbacks, there will be success. There will always be someone better, more talented and gifted, who will proceed faster than I will, and I am okay with that, because for someone else I am that pilot. I will contribute to our hobby whenever I can however I can and value that contribution, big and small.

I resolve to be patient with myself and continue to enjoy this incredible hobby right where I am in it, and look forward to the day I fly and build focused, fearless, happy, safe, and in the zone!

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