Thursday, November 11, 2010

Decals are us!

The weather mocks me... perfect flying weather, no helis to fly.  

So I made decals!  I was wandering around the internet when I came across a vid on You Tube about printing water slide decals on decal inkjet paper, letting them dry, spraying a bonding agent over the them 3 times, then using them like regular old water slide decals. You know, the kind you cut out, soak in water, and slide off onto your model! It was that simple. At Hobby Lobby I found the decal paper and the bonding spray (the paper is not cheap, $11 for 6 8.5 x 5.5 in sheets, and the spray was a bit less than $5). I searched the internet for the logos I wanted.  I created a PowerPoint (ppt) slide that was the size of the decal sheet (8.5 in x 5.5 in), and took logos from my favorite heli websites ( just couldn't be read when made so small, so I excluded it. Sorry, John), some rescue arrows, etc (you can see what I found on the photo). I made them various sizes by manipulating the photos on the ppt slide, and crammed them in. I made a few text boxes with the names of my pilots, my helis, and crammed them in there as well. I had decided I only wanted to buy transparent decals (the Testors ones also come in white background), so any decal that needed a white background (like the Heli Freak logo) I made sure had a white background in the photo (I manipulated them using freeware called Ultimate Paint).  With the first batch, the printer couldn't hold on to the paper at the end so it cut off the last decals. I made a second sheet but taped the back to a sheet of 8x10 paper and it made a complete sheet. I had to center it by hand as my inkjet printer accepts regular letter paper or two sizes of photo paper only. Worked fine).  Tomorrow I will put them on my helis!  Very nice!  Ill post photos after I get them on the helis.

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