Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My name is Job...

This morning, coffee in hand, I fired up the computer and started my Clearview flight sim. It decided that my trial period was over and locked me out, inviting me to register. This being my bought, paid for and registered Clearview. I tried to reactivate it, couldn't. I removed it, cleaned the registry, it persisted to demand I register. I emailed the programmer who promptly got back to me. We have tried a couple of things, finally getting me back to demo, but it now thinks I am already activated, it won't let me deactivate so I can reactivate because it considers me activated, but won't let me fly because it considers me unregistered and in need of activation. Such is my world...

CB100 #2 made it clear today it is an indoor heli. Once again finding itself on the wrong side of another neighbors fence, ignoring any and all control inputs as it disappeared despite what really was a dead calm morning. On recovery, inspection revealed that the tail fin snapped off and disappeared. The tail motor would not develop headspeed when it did spin. Further inspection revealed the thin wires had separated. I spent the morning doing microsurgery and soldered the tiny wires back together, restoring the tail motor function. I thought I would take the tail fin off #1 And put it on #2. I found out that to get the fin off you have to cut the wires, remove the motor, remove the fin, replace the motor, resolder the wires. This just after I spent the morning working the other helis wires. I thought I could just barely clear the motor, and pulled on the tail fin, only to snap the outrunner off the brushless motor. This sucked... I decided I didn't want to run the risk of doing that to #2 in fixing it's tail fin, so put everything back the way I found it. The outrunner flys off in a crash, but I managed to get it to spin and develop the needed headspeed (after I super glued the blade base to the out runner as it would nit stay seated) and it works pretty well. I'll replace it someday. I decided to cannibalize #2 it and fly #1. Had to trim it, but it flew, indoors, fair. It has this occasional gyroscopic wobble, during which I cannot control it as it ignores control inputs. This became less of an issue the longer it flew. It still responds variably to inputs, but I could hover it and recover it when it got a mind of it's own. I had fun with it, but it's instability makes it not ready to fly around a crowded room.

So today I learned I can trouble shoot a broken motor and it's mount, wire and solder microscopically small (and way too short) wires, tune and fly a broken bird.

Still trying to get my Clearview flight sim to work...

And today I realized that my name is Job. I figure the kingdom of heli heaven is my reward if I prevail!

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