Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sbach Evo 10cc Tweaking

Winter. New Hampshire. 18 degrees and sunny. Usually 20 mph winds. Too cold, too windy. Been a slow winter for the hobby.

The other day I took the Sbach and its misbehaving Evo 10cc out to the garage and accidentally drove the low battery way low, and fried the Orange 9 ch reciever. Didn't  know that was a thing. Ordered an 8 ch Orange as the 9 ch were NIS and it arrived in less than a week from Hobby King, a new speed that pleases me. Bound and installed. Later I also snuggled up and centered the rudder wires.

The issue has been a reliable idle. It's why she ended up in the dump lot...  I have tried everything, from rich to lean, and different endpoints on travel.  It's cold out, but I think I came close. Not close enough to put the cowl on. She has been so tweaky I will probably put a hole in the cowl to adjust it on the fly. 

She still runs rich and spews oil everywhere... I did manage the Mastwr Airscrew 13x8  so put the 12x8x3 back on.

I am sooo getting winter Hangar fever. I have got to fly something soon.